The mods section host new game modes (like the original Killing Floor ) and some total conversions.

Voice packs, map packs, and character packs add more variety to the game. That may be why there are no standout high-res texture mods for the game, but there are plenty of mods and addons on ModDB. Unreal 2004 doesn't need any mods or patches to run well on modern Windows, and its environmental textures and lighting look remarkably good 10 years later. Start fragging! Want to adjust the FOV? Go into the game's Settings Menu and click the Player tab.

Do a search for "FullscreenViewport" and set the X and Y values to your desired resolution.Navigate to UT 2004's system directory (for GOG, that's Program Files (x86)\GOG.com\Unreal Tournament 2004\System) and open up UT2004.ini in notepad.Run the game once so it will create a UT2004.ini file.